You are here: TMAB Business Events - Congresses - E-Health Congress - Program

09.15 - 09.45

Registration, welcome coffee and contacts with the partners in the demo area

09.45 - 10.00

by Paul Soete, CEO Agoria & Kris Thys, Managing Director TMAB Business Events

10.00 - 10.20 Opening of the e-Health congress 2010
by Ilias Iakovidis, deputy Head of the “ICT for Health” Unit at DG INFSO, European Commission

10.20 - 10.40

Customer case Telenet
Feeling more at home... even in a hospital
by Dirk De Wachter, ICT Manager AZ Sint–Blasius Dendermonde

Today’s hospital patients expect individualized treatment and the higher standard of comfort they are used to having in their homes. Thanks to the new Telenet product “Packet TV”, a TV solution based on the IP protocol, further integration of services such as internet based entertainment, telephony services or general medical information consultation can be facilitated. For the medical staff, consultation of medical data in a secure way in the patients room plays an important role in the efficiency of providing care to the patient. For the hospital supporting staff it can also mean quicker access to accurate data. Telenet provides a major corner stone in achieving this important step forward with its packetized digital broadcasting content.

10.40 - 11.15 Break and contacts with the partners in the demo area
11.15 - 11.30

Customer case Intersystems
"The benefits of a flexible and fast integration platform in building a complete view of the patient by combining information coming from a variety of internal and external sources (NL-FR)
By Francis Cammaerts, directeur informatique CHU Saint–Pierre

Consolidating Hospital Systems into a complete view of a patient’s medical record

11.30 - 11.45

Customer case NEXThink
"IT governance and monitoring of operational and legal risks in hospitals"

by William Grollier, IT Systems & Security Officer, University Hospital Center - Nice, France

The Nice CHU is organized around 22 departments distributed across 5 hospitals. It has a capacity of 1700 beds and employs 8000 people. The hospital welcomes 60.000 hospitalized patients and 180.000 visits per year. Its information systems is built to manage the patient record lifecycle in real time and provide health care professionals with a high quality of IT infrastructure services. The IT infrastructure comprises 3700 workstations running 100 healthcare applications and accessing 240 servers distributed across departments and sites. To better manage this workstation infrastructure, the Nice CHU uses the award winning and patented NEXThink software to monitor their behavior in real time. It allows IT to detect suspicious system behavior and usage, and guarantee compliant configurations and utilization while providing the hospital services with world class support and systems availability.

11.45 - 12.00 eHealth Platform
by Frank Robben, General manager eHealth Platform

12.00 - 13.30

VIP Lunch for the Gold partner and the speakers / Decision makers Sandwich lunch and contacts with the partners in demo area

This part of the programme is defined by the Agoria ICT eHealth Programme committee
(The presentation slots are only attributed to medical specialists)

13.30 - 14.15

Theme A: Predictive modelling

How can we use statistical models and the wealth of information available to predict potential patient outcomes? The bio–banks
By Prof. dr. Bart De Moor, Vice–rector International Policy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

How can Information technology help to assure the quality of healthcare delivery ?
By Jan De Sitter, CIO, GZA hospitals, Antwerp

The delivery of highquality , affordable healthcare is a very complex process, especially in a hospital environment. Since the early 90’s GZA has been actively involved in using ICT technology to support different aspects of the care process. In this presentation we will try to illustrate how different drivers for delivering quality healthcare can be positively influenced by the appropriate use of ICT.

14.15 - 15.00

Theme B: Disease management

How can we use disease management for better coordinated healthcare interventions?

The Disease Management Center
By Irina Odnoledkova, Program Manager Innovation MLOZ & Jan Van Emelen, Director Innovation of MLOZ

Can we change behaviour through e-health?
By Laurens Touwen, Directeur St. Zorg Binnen Bereik

15.00 - 15.45

Break and contacts with the partners in the demo area
15.45 -16.30

Theme C: Homecare

What is the impact of the implementation of new technologies on patients?

My personal experience as an independant nurse in the Province of Liege" (FR)
by Gilberte Deltour, President of l’Association des Infirmières Indépendantes de Belgique – President of Confédération Belge des Infirmières Indépendantes

From Technologies to Services: Developing a Telehealth Services Code of Practice for Europe
by Frederic Lievens, International Coordinator, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH)

The presentation will briefly cover aims and aspects of a new European initiative, “TeleSCoPE”, that is set to develop a comprehensive Code of Practice for Telehealth Services (i.e. relating to that aspect of telemedicine delivered in the home and mediated through ICT). The initiative will collect good practices on deployment of telehealth services, address issues around accreditation, privacy and data protection, and underpin standards for service frameworks that contribute to overall health and well–being. Those standards will provide a quality benchmark for service regulation and will help to improve confidence in and acceptance of telehealth among care professionals and users.

And more specific :
Telecare and Telehealth in the UK – driving standards into the marketplace
by Trevor Single, CEO, Telecare Services Association (TSA)

  • The Telecare Services Association
  • Its role in the setting of quality assurance and standards in telecare and telehealth through a Code of Practice.
  • Some examples of the standards, and the assurance this provides to commissioners, service users, and carers.
  • The development of telehealth in the UK
16.30 - 17.00 Conclusion of the e-Health Congress 2010
17.00 Networking Closing Cocktail and contacts with the partners in the demo area


The successful program will be drawn up with feedback from end-users and professionals. These themes are now the basis from which other topics will be explored.

  • Predictive Modelling
  • Disease Management
  • Homecare


For further details please contact Valérie D'Haegeleer: 052 65 00 25 or